The Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR) is a wonderful energy healing technique that allows you to release stuck emotions, traumas, limiting beliefs and other difficulties from the body so you can heal on a holistic level. I personally had the technique done through distance healing for about a year and the results were amazing! I even believe it helped decrease an autoimmune antibody number I had been trying to decrease for years! I am certified in Level I and Level II. The MBSR technique is truly a unique healing modality to help bring you back into balance.
What is Mind Body Spirit ReleaseTM?
A method to help you release cellular imprints from negative emotions, experiences and trauma.
A method to help you recognize and release what is holding you back on an energetic plane from reaching your goals.
A system to access emotiona/mental/spiritual blocks/toxins, limiting beliefs and the detrimental imprints of trauma and traumatic events imprinted in the subconscious mind and on the body.
A technqiue using muscle testing and a cold light laser/light on specific reflex points and meridians to open up the energetic flow in the body, allowing the release of toxins/imprints so that the body can heal more effectively and efficiently.
A tool to help gracefully and easily guide your body back into balance.
What Can Be Cleared During an MBSR Session?
Clear emotions
negative events
and traumas
Clear Issues between
you and an ex,
a parent, a friend,
a boss, ect.
in the
Clear blocks
that contribute
to back pain
Clear negative
emotions that get
stuck in organs/glands
Related to
Clear blocks
that contribute
to complicated
health issues
Clear blocks
from accidents/
Positive Emotions
Sometimes we
block ourselves
from feeling
good too
Blocks to
Prosperity &
Increase your
ability to
receive in all
positive forms
Our pets absorb
our emotions for us.
Clear them and you
of any negative
What Happens in an MBSR Session?
Part of a Sample MBSR Clearing
Together, we perform muscle testing to figure out what needs to be released for your highest and best interest. Your body tells us what needs to be released. Using viles of water that have been imprinted with emotions and frequencies (like Dr. Emoto's research) and a cold light laser over specific points on the body, we release stuck emotions and negative frequencies from the body. You are also given a list of coping skills to use after the session to help you continue to release the emotions from the session. To watch a video of a sample session, click here and scroll towards the bottom.
If you are having a distance session, I use myself as a surrogate to help release the emotions from your body. This is possible because we are all connected.
A word of caution. It is very common to experience detox symptoms afterwards, which can show up as feeling fatigued, increased emotionality, being easily triggered or physical detox symptoms. This can happen anywhere from right after the session to a week after the session. In my experience, if you experience detox symptoms, it typically happens 3-4 days after the session. This detox is needed to fully release these emotions. While it is unpleasant, you will feel so much better afterwards! Not everyone experiences detox symptoms. Some people report feeling lighter right away.
Session Cost & Scheduling
Sessions can be done in person or through distance work.
If you are a current counseling client, we can work the MBSR sessions into your counseling sessions.
If you are not a current counseling client, but would like to become one, please contact me.
If you are not a current counseling client and would like one or more MBSR sessions, the cost is $125/session.
Payment can be made through cash, credit card, Paypal, CashApp, Venmo or Zelle.
To Schedule an MBSR Session, please email me at michelle@visionsarttherapy.com
*The Mind Body Spirit ReleaseTM technique is never meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prescribe in any way, nor take the place of medical/therapeutic care.